Superstripes 2023

Ischia-Naples – June 26-July 1, 2023


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The aim of 2023 Superstripes conference is to foster top-level science and scientific culture advances bringing together selected world leaders in the field of new advances in hot topics of quantum complex matter science.

  1. Control and manipulation of complexity for quantum entanglement

  2. Novel quantum devices

  3. Nanoscale supramolecular heterostructures

  4. Topological quantum science

  5. Majorana exchange and unconventional electron-phonon interactions

  6. Fano resonances in artificial heterostructures at atomic limit

  7. Interface superconductivity in complex quantum matter

  8. Cold atoms and nanoscale phase separation

  9. Supersolids

  10. Supercrystals

  11. High entropy materials

  12. Topological quantum science

  13. Topological materials

  14. Topology and ferromagnetism

  15. Edge states

  16. Spin-orbit interaction

  17. Magneto-electrics

  18. Multiferroics

  19. Twisted bilayer graphene

  20. Twisted 2D flakes

  21. Physics and technology of 2D flakes

  22. Unconventional electron-phonon interaction

  23. Rashba physics and topological order

  24. High pressure physics

  25. Superconducting pressurized hydrides

  26. Room temperature superconductivity

  27. Stripe-order in cuprates and related materials

  28. Magnetic field control of Stripe-order

  29. Uniaxial stress control of stripes-order

  30. Magnetism and superconductivity

  31. Dynamics of many body localized states

  32. Nanoscale phase separation

  33. Thermalization

  34. Many-body localization

  35. Charge density wave motion

  36. Spin density wave motion

  37. Moiré materials

  38. Nickelate superconductors

  39. Strongly correlated d- and f- electron systems

  40. Advances in Josephson junctions


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