Topological Quantum Science - 9788866831426

Title of the Book: Topological Quantum Science


ISBN 9788866831426

ISBN-A 10.978.886683/1426

Science Series: Volume No. 19

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Publisher: Superstripes Press, Rome, Italy

Title of the proceedings: Topological Quantum Science

Year of Publication: 2021

Conference name: Topological Quantum Science Workshop – 76th Course of the Solid State Physics School

Conference Date and Location: November 1-7 (2021), Erice, Italy

Editor: Antonio Bianconi (RICMASS, Rome, Italy)


Gabriel Aeppli, Carmine Autieri, Luis Balicas, Giorgio Benedek, Antonio Bianconi, Wojciech Brzezicki, Sergio Caprara, Joe Checkelsky, Leonardo Degiorgi, Matthias Eschrig, Robin Guehne, Zurab Guguchia, Konrad J. Kapcia, Anna Krzton-Maziopa, Fedor Kusmartsev, Alessandra Lanzara, Giorgos Livanas, Yoshiteru Maeno, Giordano Mattoni, Maria Vittoria Mazziotti, Sergei Mukhin, Mario Novak, Andrzej Oleś, Wojciech Pasek, Catherine Pepin, Andrea Perali, Lukasz Plucinski, Nicola Poccia, Andrzej Ptok, Roman Puzniak, Y. Soh, Liling Sun, Steffen Wirth, Cenke Xu, Ali Yazdani.